This is to announce the 3rd preparatory meeting of the Lokavidya Jan Andolan ( LJA) process. We are meeting in Indore between 1-3 June 2011. Please recollect, the first meeting took place in Varanasi on 20-21 Nov. 2010 and the 2nd in Hyderabad on 27-28 Feb. 2011.
The plan of this Indore meeting is as follows :
1st June
(i) Meeting with Indore group engaged in lokavidya related work. The theme is centered on Local Market.
(ii) Discussion on the emerging national situation following the eruption of the anti-corruption movement.
2nd June
(i) People from Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar will report on the preparation in their area.
(ii) Varanasi group will propose a structure for the conference in Varanasi on 12-13 Nov. 2011. (iii) The Prastav Samiti will make a presentation and collect responses of those present.
Meeting groups of people from Indore and visiting some villages where lokavidya work has been initiated.
The meeting on all the days shall be open and you must feel free to bring others with you or even send some people for the meeting even if you are not able to come.
The lodging, boarding and meeting arrangements are being made at Kasturba Gram on the outskirts of Indore. Please confirm your participation as soon as you can to Sanjeev Kirtane
Please start visiting lokavidyajanandolan.blogspot.
Sunil Sahasrabudhey
Sanjeev Kirtane